In 1998, Guzowski and Steppe Organ Builders were contracted to make repairs, implement a new solid-state console, and add MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) capability. The firm also prepared the organ for additional stops and ranks of pipes for the future.
We are proud that we are able to use in worship one of only a few pipe organs in the Middle Georgia area, and very grateful that our organist, Norma Hunt, has been ministering through her artistry for over 50 years. Mrs. Hunt has been vital in helping to design many aspects of the instrumentation of the organ.
In 2002, some of the new additions were realized when Gusowski and Steppe added four new ranks to the pedal division, bringing the instrument from its original 25 ranks up to 29 ranks. As it stands, the organ is not complete, and has been readied for 11 new ranks in the future. A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company is now the present curator of the instrument. We are eagerly anticipating the installation of a completely reworked instrument very soon.
GREAT ORGAN (unenclosed)
8 Principal61 pipes
8 Bordun
4 Octav
lll-IV Mixtur
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
202 pipes
POSITIF ORGAN (enclosed)
8 Holzgedeckt
8 Erzahler
8 Erzahler Celeste
4 KoppeIflote
2 Principal
lll-IV Scharf
8 Krummhorn
61 pipes
61 pipes
49 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
201 pipes
61 pipes
SWELL ORGAN (enclosed)
16 Bordun
8 Rohrflote
8 Viola
4 Gemshorn
4 Flote
2-2/3 Nasard
2 Gemshorn
1-3/5 Terz
8 Trompette Tremulant
61 notes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
12 pipes
61 pipes
12 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
32 Contrebasse
32 Untersatz
32 Resultant (Swell)
16 Principal
8 Octav
4 Choralbass
16 Bordun
8 Rohrflote (Swell)
4 Flote (Swell)
16 Soubasse
32 Contra Fagott
16 Fagott
8 Fagott
4 Fagott
32 pipes
12 pipes
12 pipes
12 pipes
32 pipes
12 pipes
12 pipes