Worship TOgether
11:00 am
An alternating service featuring traditional hymns (Traditional Service) as well as contemporary favorites (Contemporary Service). This service is also broadcast live on our Warner Robins First United Methodist Church Facebook page.
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Carter Hall. Our schedule for Wednesday night varies from Bible Study nights to Game Nights, Birthday celebrations or Table Talk. We also have activities for children and youth during this time.
Children's ministry
At FirstKidz, we have ministry environments for every age! Preschoolers & Elementary age children spend the mornings diving deep into scripture to learn more about the God who created and loves them!
Check your children into their environment when you arrive and bring your parents pick-up tag with you to check them out after your service is over.
Find out more about Sunday Mornings at FirstKidz here!
Don't miss out on our special Family Worship Experiences throughout the year where we specifically encourage families to worship in the Sanctuary together!
Wednesday Night Bible Study
The Bible Study begins at 6:30PM with meaningful and relevant Bible teaching. After Bible Study, we have age-specific small groups from 7:30-8PM to unpack the message and apply it in our own lives. We hope to see you at 6:30PM on Wednesdays!
Our Wednesday Night programs resume on August 16th.
Please join us!